After our long night Friday we all slept in till after 11am. Couldn't believe my little Olivia slept that long. We all really needed it. We have been on the go for the last few days. We were all slow moving till around 1pm. Elena went to the store with me to get stuff for our annual block party/ fourth of July. While at the store we ran into Jose ( Spain teacher that came with them) he told Elena about a bowling party the exchanged students were putting together. Elena and I had just talked about bowling on the drive home from the lake. Elena has never gone bowling. She was excited when I told her she could go and have fun with her friends.
The block party started around 5pm. Elena got to meet a lot of people. I live on a wonderful street with great people. Ever year we rent a bounce house for the kids to play in. This was Elena's first time seeing a bounce house. I asked Elena if she would help me make the dish I was going to bring. She was excited to help in the kitchen. She made a 7 layer Mexican dip.
She was to meet her friends at Arrowhead around 7pm. She was dressed so cute and even remember that she needed socks. Well the fun began when they were asked their shoe size. I guess Spain and US have different sizes. SO I looked at all the girls fit and told them there sizes. They couldn't believe I knew. I used my foot to judge. Off they went to pick out a bowling ball. Most of the other girls had bowled before just Elena and Carlota were newbies to it. As always I was there with my camera ready. All the girls were happy to have there picture taken.
When I went to pick Elena up Ricard was asking me what a block party was. He wanted to know if he could come. I talked with his host brother ( David) and he said they could come over for a little bit. Once at the house all the kids were playing with sparklers and jumping in the bounce house. I even bounced with them.
Ricard wanted to jump on our trampoline, so in the back yard he went. I asked all the kids if they were hungry? I made pizza for all. They all were talking about how nice I am. It really brought a smile to my face. I love having a house full of people. We talked for a few before David and Ricard needed to head home.
Another after midnight bed time for Elena, she was happy when I told her she could sleep. Back to early bedtimes on Sunday. She has class and all of the fourth of July fireworks are over!
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