Thursday, July 11, 2013

Door to Door

SO yesterday Elena had class but they did it a little different. They got a tour of Purdue. After, they all meet up at the Sliver Dipper for ice cream. Elena decided to go with a sugar cone and Cookie Dough ice cream. A lot of the students got chocolate seemed like a group favorite. Once again we were rained out of our pool day. We came home and spent time together.

Around 3:30 there was a knock at the door. Oh no, here goes the sales pitch. It was Kirby vacuums wanting to try out there new carpet shampooer. I think when they see me I must have a tattoo on my forehead that says " SUCKER" because sure enough I had a man in my house talking about all this stuff. He vacuumed my floors and was showing me all the dirt that my other vacuum leaves behind. I was  amazed at all the stuff it could vacuum up.

Once he was in it was harder to get him out. About 5 Jason came home. Not a happy camper might I add. I nicely told the man we had plans at 6 could he hurry up. So here he goes to shampoo my carpets. I have Olivia talking about how nice the vacuum is. If you have kids there has been a time you really wish they would stay quite. Well with Olivia if you ask her to be quite, she only gets louder. She must take after her mom on that one! She was sold on this vacuum. Asking all these questions and wanting to try it out. I just wanted him out already. SO 6 comes around and he is still in no hurry. SO once again I ask him to pack up and go. So here starts with the " what price does it need to be so you can have one in your home today." Well not 2000.00 for sure. At this point I was mad and angry that once again I got sucker into people selling stuff. With my husband standing in the back ground eyeing this guy, he finally packs up and leaves. Elena had a volleyball party to get to in Dayton at 6. I pull out of my garage and this guy is still standing in my front yard. The look on his face was very unhappy. I felt bad but I wasn't spending 2000.00 on a vacuum.

So on the ride to the volleyball party Elena and I talked about what I did. It was hard to explain but I just told her I was a "Sucker" I think this might be a new word.

Elena had a blast at the party. All but 2 kids showed up. Elena's homemade ice cream was a hit. When Elena was making it she Skype with her parents. They got to watch how it worked. I really enjoy watching Elena's face as she talks to her family. She was all smiles when telling them what we were doing. I'm slowly trying to learn words so I can talk with her family. I did get to tell her mother Good Bye in Spanish.

Once home from the party it was off to bed. Elena has a full day in Indy. She was up at 7am and ready to go by 8am. I can't wait to hear about all the stuff she saw when she gets back tonight.

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